Monday, July 30, 2007
With my super stone face.
(well actually i look like that every other day, but this time,
it looks like i over dose myself with Dimethyltryptamine,)
It's really funny,
To see it,
Please visit me at my house as i am not going to school tml,
From, 11am to 4pm,
Come see, Don't regret.
Once in a lifetime oppotunity,
Acelyn Chan's super-ultraman-overdose-of-Dimethyltryptamine-look-druggie-face.
Don't miss it.
:8/ (sneak peak)

Many More Peektures Where This Came From,Shall Post Them When I Get My Phone Back.
Alissa: Just back off.Lineh:Break off my life.Acey:Hong gan la! Siti:Gam Lan la.Didi: Nabei Turtle!Pam: C/SHEEBYE LUH.Zura:Pukimak something.Aly:Kental la!Chloe: Dui lei.... Don't wan to say la, scared later mama scold me.
This is classic man, fucking funny.
So today school,Many things happen.Phototaking,Pasting names on the celling,Sickbay Me&Line,Didn't take MRT.Not going sch tml,so don't need take History Test!Me line Chloe agreed that we'r not going sch tml, so yeh! :D I Lookalikea asshole now, pale,with fever/flu,Hahah.
Manly/Sheman gang, die.She's going to fucking die,WHEEEE Yay, I wanna help!Small young little girl, aww. :D
No compassion man, It's all depression.She's crying her lungs/heart/brains out,thats like, so sad.You've got to have your limits,remember to breath.She can't take it, one day, we'll go to your school, she'll call you out of class and punch you.
Fuck her la, cheebye,early die, motherfucker,hoebag.Think of how other people feel la,fuck?People attatched already,mind you, still want to baby fuck here fuck there, play sexaphone,not enought? still want to deny,doesn't mean i didn't get to sc sec means im suffering from stupidity/down syndrom you know, know your fucking limits la please, jump off a cliff,mrt track, 19th storey, whatever.There IS something wrong.
Messing with the same girl, she's being playing,lying,do you even notice?
Now, Not in good terms with both small girlies and big girlies,Hahah.We very happy,you all want to start all this 'not happy,LAI LA' crap,undelicate people, as Gracey would say, HAHAH.
This post has many random things that i think some may not be able to understand,but yeh, don't anyhow assumeee anything. ;D
So Chill,Let You Buy Me A Drink,I Like The Bartender. :D
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Science Centre, Oh, did i mention, I was the Youngest,Hahah.
Hi ,
Yehhhh, Im sickkk/ill, fever and bad bad bad sore throat.
Im a wanna be cool kid,i want an ultraman bling/k cap so i can blind people.
Yeh i know, fucking cool.
Okie, Acey, Lets blog about yesterday, which was, 280707 (Saturday,)
So like i got chased out of the house by Mommy at 1130,
Daddy send me to Newton, where i waited for LinehyBaby to come, :D
While waiting, talked to NNP on the phoneee.
Then walk walk walk, wait wait wait.
Then she arrived, train to Bugis, where we met a stick named Claricechang. ;D
Hahah, walked to NAFA for art exhibition! :D :D
Pit stop at 7-11,
Nigga ask linehy for directions, she gave a long one, HAHAH.
Then continued walking, reached NAFA,met Ms Hoe,
Saw the art students,
See see look look,
Went TCC eat, :D
Waited for Chole, ;D
Ordered many many things!
Chloe came!
Ate more more things!
Then after eting, went find Ms Hoe again, then went back to the art gallery see the video,
Took alot of pictures, ALOT. :D
Jun called, suppose to be at Meridien BY 2,
He called AT 2, and i was still at NAFA,
So Me Line Ricey Chloe wanted to cab, but no cab!
So we BUS-ED , Chloe went fareast,
Ricey Lineho Me Meridien.
Raining, fuck?!
So we ran-ed.
Met Jun, I got a shock, HAHAHAH.
Okay then borrowed wax, Linehy did her hair and stuff.
Jun went down 1st,
Walked, Passed the door,
I think Jiayi (NOT stmargs,[ew]) waved, but i was like blinded by shinny caps.
Yeh, then i went out, say Hi, talked for abit, :D I think she's really pretty/hot. :D
Then met Jun's friend, Joel, who's girlfriend, Andrea came from whoknows where to Meridien to pick us up to go to SCIENCE CENTRE. Hahah, not funny.
Yeh k, Science centre, COOL.
Cab was expensie/explosive, yeh.
Met Jun's other 2 friends, Jeremy and Connie,Freddie and and,Fayanne.(Acelynchan has never been THIS smart before. :D:D)
Quadriplet date i guess. Cool what!
There were many, Scientific stuff there,
Like, Sciencey.
Yeh, they sat on the electric chair, damn funny, i swear.
Hahahah, then walk and walk and walk, take pictures, yeh.
Will get the picture soon yeh. :D
So like we were there for quite awhile,
Then when we were going, went into the shop to buy stuff,
Hahaha! Me and jun bought 2 hammers that you hammer then got the quak sound,HAHAHA, and food, and a gigantic pencil, SO COOL. (:/)
Jun,Me,Freddie,Fayanne came out 1st,
Then after a long time, the other 4 came out with many things,
Like astro-nut something.Hahah.
Jeremy, Connie, Joel and Andrea cabbed 1st,
Then Me Jun Freddie Fayanne, all of us sat at the back, :/
Hahah,Then we talked about alot of things,like,
fats/porn/fish/turtle/mouse/rabbit/cartoons,many things.
Ace: Somethingsomethingsomething, "fat"
f.Fish:What sports you play?
Ace:Balling (bowling)
f.Fish: No wonder.
No wonder he says, NO WONDER, said Freddie fish.
What a big word.
Fayanne's tan is hot, i swear.
Reached PS,
Find RiceLine.
Talk talk,
Went back find the others.
In between when they were eating,
Got call from Acey (Linehy),
Ordered me to go to Meridien NOW.
So i left, when they were eating half way,
How rude, Im sorry,
Walk alone/by myself/not with anyone, saw another dead , animal.
NNP, I love you! :D
Ricey sad? cos jonjon oen make her, :/
Then they came,play pool,
Bought yami, alot of times.
Help Chloe/Clarice/Caroline.
They all very sad, VERY,
Very very,many,alot,ultraman very.
Broke my quak hammer, D:
Took Jun's one, Hahah.
Oo a girl named Acelyn ONG viewed me, i like.
Oh then talked to a girl,named,named,namedddd, Venelyn!
(Oh Fuck, Acelynchan is very very smart. :D)
Then Line went off meet timo.
-Moments later-
Line looked as if she was abt to cry.
Chloe and I play hero.
Bravely walked into DoOoOoOoOomEeEeE,find the balls.
Dragged him out, thal to lienhyo.
Find Jun, Cabbed with him again.
Time to bitch. :D
Monday, July 23, 2007
Yeh, Today i wasn't really loner, i spent most of the time with Pamela hoooo! :D
I Love Pammmm to the maxxxxx!
Don't worry k,im very sure you and Siti chaibang will be okie in no time! ;D
So like in my previous post,
Linehy and i ain't talking,
Yeh, i feel real,shitty.
Like honestly, i hate this feeling, it ultraman sucks, seriouslyyyy. D';
Just called her, & she asked me to call her at 9.30, so yeh.
I'll still love Caroline ann cresswell,
& My sweeeeet Pammmmy Hooo. ;D
& my dearest Sit ChaiBang. :D
& all my friends! ;D
Carolyn Chong and Tiffany Heng toooo!
I Love them allllll. :D :D
Bella thiang, chloechan, clarice chang, didi hassss, jerri tan, lissaaa noraza, selina braun, aly than, charlene teo, Aj soh, and everyone! :D

Sunday, July 22, 2007
Happy Azim NNP?
I love you! :D

Im Longing For Your Touch Baby, Please Don't Leave.
Jun Tay, My Love.
Only You Can Make Me Smile. :D
Saturday, July 21, 2007
What the hell man,Im not pissed because of rice and you you know,
Im pissed over many things over the past weeks,
I don't know how to put it into a nice way but,
I/we don't care if ricey now very close to you and both of you go out very often, It doesn't affect me/us at all.It's a stupid fucking reason to be pissed of at.
It's not 'DON'T CARE' but i don't know what other words have the same 'meaning' as 'we don't care'. (wait, what the fuck am i taking about.hahah)
Maybe I pissed You and Clarice off or something, Yeh im sorry k?
You guys didn't do anything wrong but I was in the wrong k, accidentaly vented my anger and irritation on you.
I was irritated with my shit during Ms hoe's lesson so i like unknowingly shouted at you and all those fuck.
You didn't do anything wrong, seriously! It's just Me k, i have down-syndrom/lebrozaez.
My bad k?
Friday, July 20, 2007
Down to Thursday,
Sorry Chloechan, I know i was being a bloody bitch.
I was/am fucking angry.
I reached my limit, seriously,
Chloe Bella Ricey didn't do anything wrong, like really, seriously, they didn't do ANYTHING.
But i was so fucking irritated, FUCKING PISSED WITH THEM.
Sorry la, I told ya'll i got problems.
Not only that k,
Mr anthony came and asked for linehy and me cos we passed his class and i think Linehy shouted CHEEBYE or smth, so we kena.
That really piss me off more,
Alot more.
Plus, Mother fuck man,
Azura, celeste and i don't know who else bullshit infront of me,
What change chage change, change your, la.
Fucking pissed me off damn badly.
Luckily got bella, stand up for me.
You don't know me NOW, you two may have sat with me the past two years but what Venting anger on people? Fuck you la, Don't bullshit can.
You guys got see me angry often anot? I usually vert my anger on people is it?
NO RIGHT, You fuckheads really piss me off.
Yeh, fuck off,
Don't come bitch abt me infront of me, why so smart.
You guys just added more anger than i already had in the 1st place.
So Ms Hoe found out that something was wrong with me,
After they left, she held me back and ask whats wrong with me,
So i told her.
Like not everthing, but some stuff la.
So again, i cry cry cry like fuck like that,
But it helped luh.
Ms Hoe is like extreamly nice. :D
Went back to class 45 mins later,
They (Linehy Bella Pamy Siti and the rest) said. "Don't worry acey, you didn't change, we still love you alot."
I Love Them so much.
After school,
Went Balmoral with Linehy,
She cut hair.
Saw Elroy,Brandon poon and some others.
Cabbed home.
Cabbed Meridien.
Met Jun,
Linehy went with timo.
Cry again, sorry la, i fucking cannot take it.
Then i dont know la,
I love Jun, fucking understanding, :D
So i stayed with him a few hours, saw many people.
Linehy came back, went home, mommy angry,
Ku again,
I cried 3 times ytd, what the fuck, new record.
But it's okay right,
Cos still have many people who love meeee!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Forced mommy to send me to cine.
Met Jun baby, Happy smoking with his friends.
Walked arnd, forced to eat,
Ate chokolaite ice cream,hahah.
Walk and walk and walkkkkkkkkkk,
Laughed alooooot.
Met his friends again.
Got call from Azim NNP.
Cabbed down Meridien, He Smoke again.
Met Azim NNP at monster, saw jaydn clifton and alot of people i forgot.
Baby was like, not very happy? sat on the couch, talk talkkkkk. :D
Char pissed off cos we took like, very long to get to where ever it was, um, yeah.
Jun wasn't much help, he laugh and laugh and said i steped on it that's why it died.
Fucking trauma, i swear.
So tried to get cab.
there was like 12 people?
So, four four four la.
Azim,this guy, Me & Jun.
Met Char and Char. :D
Chimchar was pissed?
Then i dunno, Azim was pissed too.
So they angry tgt.
Watched Hairy Potter.
The movie was, Wet.
Yeh, im lazy i don't feel like blogging.
Okay i'll just finsih this damn post.
Char&char&i went to find Something to cover Something.
Haaaahahaaaa, HAH, so funny.
6+ i think, cabbed back Meridien with char and char and me and jun.
Oh, So then,
Jun smoke with his friends again.
After awhile,
Linehy came. :D
Saw the 2 partners, chloe and clarice and her FRIENDS.
Wisma Atria la fuck.
Char and char left.
Go dunno where with Jun, daryl, linehy.
Smoke again... :/
Ya 9++,
Met timo daryl alex.
Left with Jun, Cabbed home with him.
:D D:
Me, (acey/assy/asey/ace/acelyn)
ME, (acelynchanmeitorng/tong) however you want to spell my name,
I have a freaking problem keeping secrets.
I cry alot.
I have lebrozaez, okay no i don't.
I am a bitch.
I, ah fuck la, i like to ruin people's life, i have some mother fucking problems.
I, cannot keep my mouth shut,
I, have to learn to keep secrets.
I have to study hard, ya and what the fuck has this got to do with studying.fuck?
Oh, and i fall down alot.
I'll blog in point form,
- Im sorry i didn't keep my promise and disappointed you.
- I love Tiapny and Char and Linehy cos they cheer me up.
- I love my sexy boyfriend Jun Tay, I love you alot alot alot, nothing will ever change the love i have for you baby, :D
- I would like to whack someone,
- I am very angry now.
- I need a chill pill yo.
- Char is my bangla priest/tootsie pop/bruddahx
- Tiapny and Linehy are my Bimbo Photoshoppers, they bimbo like the prossss.
- I miss Eunice Chan/Ong.
- All the best to all C'div bowlers. :D
- Last Monday 090707, Went serene after sch with linehy and lissa,saw azura and devan,met Jun, walk to Aj's house, blah.
- Last wed, 110707 (i think) Jun came my house at 8 plus and we talked abt many many stuff, :D
- Friday, UH, something happened i think, but i like forgot.OH i saw randall,jared,wayne,clarence, and uh i forgot.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Okay, azim and daryl said that they couldnt make it.
I was like what the fuck, where got these kind of people NOT ALLOWED to go out?!
So i cabbed to Grand cathay,
Almost kena bang by car.
Jun called,
Say he reaching soon,
So, i went in to seven eleven.
Azim and daryl.
I was fucking pissed.
Walked out, meet Jun.
Omg, he is so fucking skinny.
Hahahah. :D
He bought me Chip softtoy, so cute. :D Thank you!
Bought tickets for Transformers,
Movie started at 1 something.
Went downstairs.
Watch Daryl eat.
Azim force me eat chocolate.
I ate one small square of chocolate.
Took me like 349284908844340 hours to eat finsish that small little square.
Then sit there talk,
Movie started.
Omg, transformers is such a let down la!
It's not that good.
Then my phone kept dropping cos dunno who kept msging me. Hahaha.
K, then movie finish,
Walk arnd. then they saw ppl they don't like?
Ya so we continued walking,
Then they saw their friends again.
Walkkkkkk, PS,
Walkkkkk LJS.
Azim Daryl eat.
Then they eat eat eat.
Then Jun and i walked arnd.
Then he comforted me.
Then ya la, (Then so much for what.)
Wisma Atria la.
K, then walked to Meridien.
Walk walk walllllkkkkk,
Jun say he need meet his friends.
So he went down,
Followed daryl azim eliot to monster.
Something happened.
Walked out of monster.
Called tipany. :D
Then she help me. :D
Yay i love my Tipany without/with BOH/BOB. :D
K, then i hang her.
Linehy called. I walked arnd and arnd and arnd while talking to her.
Then Jun walked pass, then he accompany me.
He smokey. D:
Then saw his friends.
Went back monster.
Ricey wawa came. :D
She played with them,
I didn't play, i too pro already la, i play pool like nation pool player,HAHAH.
Jun sat next to me and we talkeddddd abt stuff.
Then their friends came.
Then Daryl eliot alex went off.
Made clarice's phone have the PUK code, WTF.
K, then Jun went downstairs smokey again.
Hahaha then ricey and azim cabbed home.
Wait for Jun smokey finish with his friends, again.
Waited for cab, He sent me home. :D
& now i have his mickeymouse jacket.Hahah. :D
Home, settle things with azim. :D
Yay, i Love azim.
Called tipany, talkkkk. :D
Talk to Jun.
Yeah, thats it.
I love Jun tay, :D
w0Rrrh Ha00 Aiix NiiEz NeRRhx!
Had tuition but met Azim and Melvin 1st,
Play, Talk, Walk.
:D Melvin is a nice guy.
Go tuition, talk to Aj,
Told her what happened. Hahaha.
& omg. im no longer 4328905209571045743957574 kg.
Im now 41.5kg. :D
Then had training.
Didnt bowl leauge.
Me qq zhimin train. :D
Then coach was taking videos of Zhimin,
Cos her steps wrong or smth.
Cherly saw damn angry with me, cos i didn't bowl. HAHAH.
Yeah then talk talk talk.
Yup. :D
Friday, July 06, 2007
Jun wants me to blog about him again, hahah,
I don't know what to write,
Talking to him on the phone now.
He can't see the riceball. D:
Okay hang up already. Hahah,
Mommy scold me. D:
Omg, i feel sick.
Like, im going to die/puke or smth.HAHAH.
Riceball is not ONLY rice,
It's REALLY cute and its not a square. Hahaha.
And shit, my mom is chasing me out of the house again, Hahahah.
So, Bye bye & see you tml. :D
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Here's one whole sexy post for you. :D
See the riceball THERE?
Riceballs are cute and i like them,
So stop asking me WHY WHY WHY.
Don't ever tell anyone who is (fillintheblank) k,
It's a secret and your not suppose to tell or even know. :D
Kkkkkk, & stop making fun of me and the (fillintheblank)!
Or i'll "hi........"
Hahah, k la, im not so mean.
Okay see you on Saturday and you treat for movie k?
:D Y
Fuck you & don't ever talk to me ever again you mother fucking hoebag.
Okay, Im doing social studies shit now.
Had training just now.
Linehy fucking funny, i got sexually abused.
HAH, Nah la, more like tipany. :D
Have not been eating since Monday.
Somemore everyone say "Acey is FUCKING GREEDY!"
Now i not greedy already, i dont even eat.
My cheetos were so tasty that no one could resist it.
So they got caught by Mrs KarenTay,
Got one demerit point,
Aww, D:
But i didn't! cos im not eating.
Okay shut up.
Then she said many things, like
We don't want to be called the worst class with the most demerit points and ppl getting suspended, and all that shit fuck.
Yup. 3n9 not stupid la, just cos we'r taking fucking bio.
I hate angteekoon, He can suck his sunshine's nehnehs.
Aly: ACELYNCHAN! *waves & smiles*
Acey: What? *looking like a drug addict*
Aly: Wa lau don't so like that la, *makes sad face"
Acey: I reading didi's horny book la, don't disturb me.
(Acey gets slapped by Bella,)
Ang tee kooon : *stares at me like i just killed his sunshine.*
Fucker, angry send me out of class la, no need stare like cheebye like that.
:D Hahahha.
I love chaibang and pamsy, they, r0x mYYe S0cKKxZ W0rrHhx!
Bella and i talked about many many many things, and it made me feel alot much better. :D
I love my Partner! :D
Ytd, Wed.
Suppose to have tuition, but it got canceled.
Went U.SQ with Linehy,
Bought her the dale wallet,
Cos i have the Chip! :D
Walked arnd.
No money take cab home.
Call maid come down and bring me money pay cab. :D
PLAY, she eat, LAUGH, down-syndrom kid, SEE FUGLY PEOPLE. :D
Fun la,
Call timoballs, talk.
Then walk her to bus stop, Retard awhile, she went home.
Then i did my math!
Talk to Azimpokie, Jun, Linehy, Tipany. :D
K now i must do something for someone. Hahahha!
Monday, July 02, 2007

HAHAHAH! sick, my throat hurts like shit.
Talked to jared last night, for a few hours.
The conversation was stupid and funny.
Hahah, k.
Then i went to eat potatochips and watched teevee.
Then Gerann called me,
Talked awhile,
Azim called me,
Hanged Gerann, Hahah.
Talk to azim about (fillintheblank).
Hahah then he say just msg.
So i did,
So blah blah blah.
So im msging (fillintheblank) now.
Wisma Atria la k.
Im spending fucking Youthday alone,
Tml's gonna be worst,
Bella's leaving at 12 and im gonna be alone,fuck,
Cant copy math.
Fuck fuck fuck.
I want to go out now.
With (fillintheblank).
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Awww, chill la, cheer up. :D
Barker Carnival.
Met Lineh 1st.
Cab to Barker.
Met Azim and Arul,
Alibaba and ricey.
I aint gonna type who i saw k, crazy.
Like gazillions of people.
And it was fucking hottttttttt.
Met Sel,
Lineh won the GRAND PRIZE,
I want, D: big pooooh bear.
& Ricey the clarence lim apologised to her,
He not bad sia, quite hot. ex xiao di. HAHA.funny. :/
(13 times kkkkk, im damn happy, :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD)
Saw eyecandy.
Lissa came, with kazu, her bro, jalil.
Kazu peirce 3 on her lips,
Felt like kissing metal.
Hahah funny! :/
I SAW MY SOCCER BALL AT THE CARNIVAL, it was being kicked by people.
Wa lau, Its mine la, I want it back,
Bought 5bucks ticket, Hahahha.
Went haunted toilet.
"haha, funny." :/
Then daryl lineh lissa mee talk,
Eat chocolate ben hassan banana.
Try to solve lissa's bro's primary 6 math question, everyone dunno.
Hahah, :D
Talk to Jun Tay,
Blahhhh stuff. :D
Frog hunter. :D
Then ya la, alot of things lorh,
I happy la k.
Fucking happy,
Like over the moon, sun, the solar system.
Ya la k, :D
Ahahah fuck you, shut up.
I suck,im an asshole la,
I didnt cry for that reason,
That reason i made up on the spot, its stupid.
Your so concerned abt Her,
Then Me leh?
Im shit.
After carnival,
Went waffle.
Wait for azim,
Waited for cab for a long long longgg time,
Then me lineh azim and his friend jun jie or something, got cab.
I hit my head.
{ Acey bangs head}
Acey: Ouch.
JJ: You hit your head?
Acey: Ouch, ya.
"haha, funny. " :/
But it's damn pain.
But he damn funny la,
He like didi, everything he do is fucking funny la.
Then in the cab, talk talk, laugh laugh.
The whole place jam, from barker to ps.
Lineh sit infront, azim me jj.
Azim fucker,
He take my hand then push over to junjie.
Then azim touch his dick.
Then what the fuck, he touch twice,then say i touch.
Okay then we were talking abt buckets and pails,bitching abt blahhh & how to wash off azim's hair cos it was red.
The cab was 9 bucks i think.
JJ guy said he'll treat me back.
Hahah kkkk,
He damn funny, we got out then he said 'watch azim',
then he started screaming,
Lineh and i laugh like fucking monkeys la.
Then he went off.
Met riceylag.
Everywhere got ppl,
Walk to Grand Cathy,
Eat, talk,
B&J, i treat.
We sat there for like hours,
Then watch porn.
Call mamaaa,
Lineh call timoooo,
Azim call alot of ppl,
Then walk walk,
Ricey and azim left.
Then 10+ lineh left,
So i leave also la,
Newton mrt, call mamaaa,
Home 1045.
FUN worh.
I got my-thing-i-ordered-online on friday.
Im so so so happy.
I Love my Precious ones.
Linehy Ricey Azim Lissa Char.
It's just like last year,
It's happening again,
Exactly the same!
What the fuck am i going to do.
She suddenly came back into my memory,
& i dont want that to happen.
Everytime my phone rang,
I wished it was Her.
Lame right, what a fucker.
Now it's just a different person, eyecandy.
Just don't let those sad memories repeat itself.
Stuff happen.
Lissa Siti Linehy me, cabbed novena.
Azim came. :D
Linehy and i went jalan jalan,
Came back,
Bitch gave me that face,
Kfc, eat.
Got one clan of ppl standing/sitting there,
Staring, like want to eat my kfc.
Saw lissa and siti running away!
Awww, lissa crying.
Azim came over to kfc, told us what happened.
Apparently lissa went home and siti sent her.
3 of us, walk walk walk.
No money,
Hahah, :D
Went mrt atm there take money,
Then the clan of ppl were there.
"Mmmmne Mmme NeeMMMe,
HAHAHAHA fucking funny. :D
Then his friend,
Wah, Mat sia,
Button his shirt all the way up,
"Eh! my friend la! He want make friend la!"
Then take money,
They fucking stupid la,
"Whats you name ah?"
Wah lau, then azim and linehy over there laughing like shit.
Damn funny i swear. :D
Then azim kept MMMnnE MmmmnnnnEEE,
x123456789. :D
Then azim saw his friend,
Eugene something la,
Then Azim want him to walk down the mrt again.
Then ask the girlfriend can not.
We walk down,
Eugene: MNnnee MMmer?
MEE: MMNnn MMmnne?
Then atm there talk,
Walk back up.
He and the girlfriend went off. :D
Went back kfc,
Met bobby,
azim eat.
lineh and i took his food.
then walk walk,
cry cry,
Laugh laugh ,
Laugh laugh laugh,
Aiya laugh alot la,
Talk abt stuff,
Walk back to my house.
Then lineh chase azim,
Play play,
Bobby very nice,
Help me and lineh carry bag.
Thank you! :D:D
Walk, dance, ride motocycle, fly areoplace, run without hands,
Slack downstairs my house.
Went up stairs, kena scolding.
Gave them MY soccer ball,
and Soyabean. :D
then BYEBYE,
Hahah funny. :D
Followed Zhimin to gym,
Play, talk,
Wah lau, the guy there fighter, so scary.
Hahaha then play,
Went back to the bowling alley,
Talk to azim and lineh on the phone.
Settle his stuff.
A lie after another.