Sunday, September 09, 2012


♪ Last Flowers- Radiohead

TODAY. i feel that i need to thank, credit and spread my love for this movie.
disclaimer: i have never, NEVER, N E V E R fell in love with a movie before. i love this movie so much, i really do, therefore my judgement might be clouded and... yeh.... i do not see any bad in this film. you can dont believe me, but i highly suggest you should.
well a lil bit bout me, i dislike movies, i very much prefer tv shows, dramas, sitcoms etc etc, im just not much of a movie goer, you see. even though im a effects/ film student, its very hard for me to appreciate films, esp old films, i. i just cant. i get bored and twitchy and its just me, i cant sit through an artsy/a-lot-of-meaning-film. i want to, but i cant. :( but im learning, slowly.
anyway, so i watched this movie early this year, i saw the trailer when it came out 2010 or 2011 but never got to watch it. vivi borrowed it from the library so i borrowed it from her, yarrrhhh! so enough background info.
firstly, if i could read japanese, or if there was an english translated version, I WILL READ THE SHIT OUT OF THE BOOK.

SO SEXY. how can a book cover be so damn sexi.


 So the movie poster is awesome too, so very supar japanese. i like, a lot. 

poster looking so fucking innocent, like a normal high school drama shit. so much contrast to the real deal.

 SO MUCH MEANING. holyyyyyy, there is so much fucks and fucks and fucks, ughhhh this fucking film made me think so much, and i hate thinking!!! and yet i love the fact that it 'woke' me up in the sense the film's order of scenario/situations to happen was so well crafted and not hollywood style at all. UGHHH so much admiration. i guess you could say -flashback(s)- is the backbone of this film. i love the fact that you can go into every different character's mind/persona and really feel what emotion he/she is going through. UGGGGHHHHHHHH l o v e i t o m g g u y z s o g o o o o d .

ANYWAY. the fucking cinematography, is a fucking genius by itself. holyyyy. crap, the fucking camera angles and shit. is so mind blowing, so scenic, yet bringing in so much emotion and.... meaning. yeh. meaning. 
i screen captured a lot of scenes from the film. i cant praise the cinematography/er more than i already am. 

 the fucking color grading of this film is so beautiful as well, looks so, sad. :'( wo yao ku. 

 i love the mighty amount of head room. so much space lingering around. 

 OH AND THE VISUAL EFFECTS. fuck. just, fuck. the visual effects in this film is so fucking beautiful, there isnt any other word to describe it. 
all the slow mo and close ups as well, fuck. 
the camera angles, so full of life, and yet whats being projected on the big screen portrays so much death and  hatred.

 btw i think shes fucking pretty.

so much, loneliness. and sadness and  it moves you, so much.
i really love the storyline and the whole feel of it.
i love the relationship between the characters.
i love the hate they have for each other.

this film is just brilliant. it is a work of art. it hurts me, pains me and makes me feel queasy, and i love that it does all this to me.

This film has SO, so much influence on me. it ways i cannot describe. (i want to kill my school mates. lol jk not)

that is all. watch this fucking film. fucking buy the dvd.


Acey cakey

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