Heechul and Jungmo.
Ah, i love it/this/heechul!
i dont care if you think he is gay or w/e.
i still love/like him alot. fucking alot.
cuz i know heechul likes/loves, visual kei/rock.
and now he has adapted the cocky rocker image.
and like, its normal for them to kissu their bandmembers!
reminds me very much of Bou and Miku. :D :D :D
ahhh im so happy.
i loveeeee you kimheechul,
you are the love of my imaginary fantasy life.
wow. the amt of ppl who 'ew thats sick!' 'i knew heechul was gay' 'superjunior = super gays'
fucking irritating. out of like 200 people, only.... 4 people, including me, actually knows,why... about the kiss.
its not even a big deal! hahhaha. and you dont need to be Japanese rocker, to pull of a visualkei stunt. so yay to the peeps who say "THAT WAS HOT OMG I LOVE HEECHUL" and f-off to the poops who say " this is kpop, it cannot,must not and will not be related to visualkei/jrock."
You cant stop my heenim to love vkei, neither can you stop him from kissing his bassist/guitarist/drummer, cuz thats the 'culture'. it doesnt mean heechul is gay. it doesnt mean he will never marry a female. its just a kiss. BAMF. and HELLO, watch the vid, turn up the volume and listen to the screams. we know you like it.
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