Heechulllllllll. heebum.
but im loving the Strong baby remix! cha cha. its great!
so while im waiting for my komp to restart again(x7)
i will sing.
ok i cant sing.
oh i love the Gee remix toooo. lets go soshi lets go! yoona looks so fucking pretty in the mv.
rolls.... xjapan is for oldies! must listen to ceramic star. hehehe.
ok im toking alot of shit.. just cuz i cant upload my poutoes.
i think i'll take some weird buttok quiz.
oh n abt the fic...
im nt... BRAVE enuff to post it,,, YET. hehe so pls wait.
01. What does your MSN personal message say?
Chi-kan! A-kan! O-kan! Jaejin.Key.YoonA. "Touch me and I sue you for I forgot what but I will sue!”
Chi-kan! A-kan! O-kan! Jaejin.Key.YoonA. "Touch me and I sue you for I forgot what but I will sue!”
02. What does your display picture mean?
it means... i was in the toilet.
it means... i was in the toilet.
03. Do you miss anyone now?
04. What exactly are you wearing right now?
um. supa juni live in japan shirt. hehe.
um. supa juni live in japan shirt. hehe.
05. What's your current problem?
my komputa does not want to wake up.
my komputa does not want to wake up.
06. Do you have a date on this fine day?
uh, YES,
uh, YES,
07. What makes you the happiest?
when heechul hugs me. it will make me crap in my pants too.
when heechul hugs me. it will make me crap in my pants too.
08. Have you ever met anyone from Friendster?
ya of cuz.... caro... rice... char... they have frster!
09. What were you doing at midnight last night?
reading.. auto fiction.
reading.. auto fiction.
10. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?
tell everyone im actually half cat.
tell everyone im actually half cat.
11. Do you like to smile?
... I LOVE!
... I LOVE!
12. Ever had a near death experience?
13. Name an obvious asset you have.
my toes.
my toes.
14. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your mind right now?
... song? ONE song? uh. Last white. ( by Poitrine... HEHEHHEH listen!)
... song? ONE song? uh. Last white. ( by Poitrine... HEHEHHEH listen!)
15. Any celeb you would marry?
....... YES. many. but one, HEECHUL?!
....... YES. many. but one, HEECHUL?!
16. How long more till your birthday?
abt 3months plus.
abt 3months plus.
18. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
19. Do you have a crush on someone?
uh. YEH. yunho+heechul+yuchun
uh. YEH. yunho+heechul+yuchun
20. Have you ever vandalized someones private property?
21. Have you ever been dumped?
many times.
many times.
22. Have you ever sung in front of a large group?
23. What's the first thing you notice about the OPPOSITE sex?
25. What does your 4th text message you sent say?
"Hello az i will miss you and i love you haha. i am going into checkpoint. now hehe lols you are a very cute teacup cat i luv u berry much like strawberry tall cake. hehehehes i will call you when i come home." GUESS WHO SENT THAT.
"Hello az i will miss you and i love you haha. i am going into checkpoint. now hehe lols you are a very cute teacup cat i luv u berry much like strawberry tall cake. hehehehes i will call you when i come home." GUESS WHO SENT THAT.
26. What does your last received text say?
... HAHAH omg... its from my mom... "Wheres my lovely daughter? my neck looks like a girrafe looking for her"
... HAHAH omg... its from my mom... "Wheres my lovely daughter? my neck looks like a girrafe looking for her"
27. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?
28. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
no.i am a celebrity!no.
no.i am a celebrity!no.
29.How many closest friends do you have in school?
a feetful.
a feetful.
30. Do you think ur popular?
...honestly!?!?!?!?! no.
...honestly!?!?!?!?! no.
31. What is the closest thing to you?
a robot cat.
a robot cat.
32. Do you have anything pierced?
33. Do you eat fish?
35. Do you like pain?
36.Do you like to shop?
not really.
not really.
37. Whose bed did you last sleep in?
my own.
my own.
38. What is your mood now?
39. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
caro cattoe.
caro cattoe.
40. When's your birthday?
20 april
20 april
41. Do lots of people want to be your friend?
nope.im stupid.
nope.im stupid.
42. Nickname?
nick name what? mine? or yours?
43. Who gave you your Nickname?
my friends.
Twilight dae.
.... that was kinda boring.

VIDEO CALL with caro on fridae night! stupid girl!
hahahha i tell u smth very funny tml! abt caro n az @ 711. ^^
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