The reason why its called Bou's last song, cuz, it was his last song... D: BouBaby cried...Ahhhh, so sad ah................................................... Bou bou bouuuuuuuuuuuu~ yeh he left, 30 april 200Seven.
2 things that made me so sad sad sad cuz of Rul, (NYAHAHHA, joking larhs, kid you.)
1. Heechul's Bday 'prez'. He has so many fans there, Not in sg la, but he has like so so so so so many billions of fans THERE, not HERE. so like, ya, sad la. ha ha ha.
2.BOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu................................. she says im Love sick, guess whats love sick, HAHHA line is so kute...
Rul is happy, shes nyappy 2 the max, Takuya took over Bou what.... hahhaha, no la im happy also, takuya handsome... Bou went to the ladies... hehehe...
Rul is nyappie kawaiiiiiiiii!!! ^^*
From Nat's blog,
17. Some of the members from super junior, eg Heechul knew that Yunho bought a leather jacket.They told Yunho that to know whether the jacket was fake or real he had to burn it.Of course they were kidding.But Yunho really burn the jacket and bye bye jacket.
Ace! Look at wht your husband did ?! Tsktsk D:
Yeh, c c, reason why i love my Chulla. Hhahahah her blog like flooded with, you know... her... U know picts, lofl~
... Im not funny today... why.
I think, its cuz of Bou, i wonder hows He/She doing... short lollita dress and ahlian hair... he looks so hot and cute and cute and cute...
Kanon, and Piyoko,
Riding. Hahhaha! really cute, really really.
WTFAHHHH? bou, has,the,same,pants,as,heechul.
AHAHHAHAH, right right? the box box one, checkered i mean, ahhaahaha, AHHHHHH! BOU AND CHUL!
This is also damn cute, i love to imitate their english man, fucking funny. but its after Bou left, D: D: D:
miku: i try my, Besso,
Uh, ok, i love you, ya.
I wonder how many tims he said, Lets go, An Cafe!
"Right nyappy, ya."
Everything all, 'Nyappy!' (in the begining.)
'Bye nyappy! yeah,' (the end,)
Yeh and when they do nyappy, its like, Pi's KON. (... understand?)
Yeh, some cafekos must not dress like ancafe, esp, BOUUUUUUU.
kkk, your a bit sick already right.
I tell u whats love sick.
Line; love sick is.
When ur eating, u think abt the person you love, and u feel like vomiting.
My apologies.
Okie.I hope 4/9 have taken down the notices of the 3 upcoming performances i have wrote on the board, i have left it there for more than a week already until recently the bitch alissa playplayplay then erased it. so yeh.HAHAHA, taken down, thats funny..
YEH, you wanna go right, me to, cuz my Chullie is there. there, not here.... -.-
AH... bou bou bou, im still sad... but rmb, Bou, Boys are not suppose to cry unless their stung by bees...
Okie, kuso.. my dad is watching goong S, without me, eeeeshh i hate korean dramas... im Currently wtatching yukanclub, so lame..
ok. i am not funny today...
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