Sunday, September 06, 2009


k, if you didnt know, im a huge fan of kaykay!
i think shes super funny and pretty and hot! ( i know caro's like, EW.)
but i like kaykay alotttt! so much that i'll chose her over Megan fox, megan the fox. (loflasdf)
de only gal i'll pick over Kaykay is Heidi Klum!
k, stfuaz.
anywayyyy, ^^
in de next episode of xx's guid 2 life,
xiaxue's gna kiss kk.
o.o cute.

if i saw kk on the street, i think i will just.... i dunno, ask for her autograph or smth..? picture? .... -.-

i know at this point of time caro's like puking blood, i know she doesnt like kk, but hu cares la hor. ^^ i like can alrdy.

wtf its like 1.11am and i still hear the contruction ppl working.



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